Mushroom Extract Outperforms Synthetic Psilocybin in Psychiatric Therapy

A recent study found that a mushroom extract containing psilocybin had a stronger and longer-lasting impact on synaptic plasticity than a synthetic version. Natural psychedelic substances have the ability to transform the way mental diseases are treated, according to this research. In light of the disturbing statistics showing that a large percentage of patients do not respond to current pharmaceuticals, this study paves the way for novel, natural mental treatments.

Crucial Information:

1. Improved Neuroplasticity: The influence of the mushroom extract on synaptic plasticity was more pronounced and lasted longer, suggesting that it may provide novel therapeutic advantages.

Metabolomic studies revealed that the mushroom extract had a different metabolic profile than synthetic psilocybin, suggesting that it has a different impact on pathways that produce energy and oxidative stress.

Thirdly, the feasibility of controlled mushroom production as a means to replicate extracts for medical purposes is encouraging, notwithstanding the difficulty of producing consistent natural extracts.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s sources

Researchers Dr. Alexander Botvinnik and Orr Shahar of the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical Center’s School of Medicine have found that psilocybin-containing mushroom extract may be more effective than chemically synthesized psilocybin. The study was guided by Dr. Tzuri Lifschytz and psychiatrist Prof. Bernard Lerer.

The study’s focus on synaptic plasticity in mice sheds light on the possible therapeutic uses of psychedelic chemicals found in nature for the treatment of mental diseases.


According to the research, compared to psilocybin that is chemically manufactured, mushroom extract containing psilocybin may have a stronger and longer-lasting effect on neural plasticity.

Current pharmaceutical therapies have not been successful in alleviating the symptoms of the mental health issues that affect millions of people throughout the world.

Tragically, 40% of depressed people and a comparable percentage of obsessive-compulsive disorder sufferers report no improvement with the medications that are already on the market.

Further, there is an urgent need for novel approaches for those who do not respond to existing pharmaceuticals for schizophrenia, since around 0.5 percent of the population is living with the disorder at any one moment.

In light of this critical need, psychedelic substances are being considered as potential game-changers.

Preliminary results from this study provide insight into the possibility of effect differences between psilocybin-containing mushroom extract and psilocybin produced artificially. Particularly studied were metabolomic profiles in the frontal brain of mice, the head twitch response, and synaptic proteins associated with neuroplasticity.

The findings suggest that compared to psilocybin produced chemically, the effect on synaptic plasticity exerted by mushroom extract containing psilocybin may be stronger and stay longer.

Comparing psilocybin-containing mushroom extract with chemically generated psilocybin, metabolomic investigations also showed significant differences

In important brain areas such the striatum, amygdala, hippocampus, and frontal cortex, the extract markedly raised levels of synaptic proteins linked to neuroplasticity. Based on these findings, it seems that mushroom extract containing psilocybin could provide therapeutic benefits that are not possible with only psilocybin.

Comparing psilocybin-containing mushroom extract with chemically generated psilocybin, metabolomic investigations also showed significant differences. The metabolic profile of the extract was clearly linked to energy production pathways and oxidative stress.

People who have not gotten well with traditional psychiatric therapies may find some solace in these new discoveries, which pave the way for the potential therapeutic use of natural psychedelic substances.

The search for psychedelic substances is an important step toward creating revolutionary, individually tailored medications, which is vital given the ever-increasing need for creative answers.

Furthermore, extracts have not always been preferred over isolating active chemicals in Western medicine. This is mostly due to the long-standing belief that one can better control dosages and predict therapy outcomes by separating the active compounds. Working with extracts has always been difficult because of the historical difficulties in reliably producing the same product with the same chemical profile.

The use of extracts or complete products, like eating the whole mushroom, was common in ancient medicinal practices, especially among people who believed in the therapeutic benefits of psychedelic medicine. The “entourage” impact of entire extracts has been known in Western medicine for some time, but this method has just lately come to light as a major player.

Although obtaining a consistently stable chemical profile is a significant difficulty for natural extracts in general and for plants in particular, mushrooms offer a specific scenario. Growth conditions, including substrate type, CO2/O2 ratio, light intensity, temperature, and the presence of microbes, have a significant impact on the substances produced by mushrooms. Overcoming these obstacles, mushrooms can be tamed through controlled culture, leading to the creation of a repeatable extract.

Due to the regulated environment of mushroom production, this research not only emphasizes the practicality of introducing extracts with varied chemicals into Western medicine, but also emphasizes the superiority of such extracts.