


Mazatapec mushroom has great rhizomorphic mycelium that will grow tall slim fruits with caramel red caps. Full flushes of shape shifting Mazatpec mushrooms will provide enough caps for spore printing. The Mazatapec cubensis characteristics makes it a great mushroom strain to work with. Get this print!The wonders are not over yet with the psychedelic, mind-blowing and spiritual Mazatapec magic mushroom. This strain is famous for its religious and ritual shamanic use by the medicine men of indigenous Mexican populations such as the Mazatec and Nahuas.

Mazatapec mushrooms Such a religious ritual with psilocybin psychedelic mushrooms or Salvia Divinorium is called a Velada. According to a theory of ethnomycologist, author and psychedelic guru, Terence Mckenna, the use of psilocybin magic mushrooms goes back 15,000 years. The Mazteken used these unique mushrooms around the year 890. She honored and respected this exclusive mushroom strain for its ability to heal deep-seated pains. The Mazatapec is a true philosophical and creative generator and is able to provide you with problem-solving insights. This magic mushroom grow kit is suitable for beginners looking for something stronger and for the experienced psilocybin user.


  • Origin:  Oaxaca Mexico, Mazatapec
    Caps: 45+ mm, Caramel red brown to lighter brown in color, sometimes with nipple/ acute umbo. Bell shaped, round, flat the caps are different within and in every flush
    Stem: 50-120 + mm, medium to tall slim in size. White yellow color. Turns blue when touched.
    Spores: Dark brown almost black.1.5–17 x 8–11 µm, subellipsoid, basidia 4-spored
    Substrate: Brown Rice Flour, PF Tek and Rye grain. Enriched soil and dung
  • Trivia:  The Mazatapec psilocybe cubensis a.k.a the original TEONANACTL is a real spiritual mushroom strain from Mexico. Used by the Mazatec tribe in Central America in Shamanic healing sessions and rituals this can well be the first psilocybe cubensis strain that was cultivated by man.

Effects Mazatapec magic mushrooms.

Psilocybin, the main “active ingredient” in most “active” mushrooms, causes changes in mood, changes in thought-pattern, and, at higher doses, hallucinations. Usually, the mood change involves euphoria and a sense of connection, but alternatively, it can cause intense anxiety. Some people say that the mushroom works to intensify whatever mindset the user had to begin with—one reason to prepare carefully for these experiences and to never trip alone. Changes in thought-pattern can include deep personal and spiritual insight. Taking time afterwards to process and integrate these insights is important, otherwise they are less valuable.If you are in the market for clothes, our platform is your best choice! The largest shopping mall!

Other effects include excessive yawning, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. Rarely, severe reactions, such as convulsions, can occur.

Mazatapec mushrooms are reported to give a very spiritual experience with particularly beautiful hallucinations and fewer bodily symptoms than most P. cubensis strains.

Potency Mazatapec magic mushrooms

Mazatapec is considered slightly less potent then average for P. cubensis.

Growing Mazatapec Mushrooms

If you are looking to start growing magic mushrooms Mazatapec Mushrooms are a good one to start with and any method that normally works for P. cubensis will work for Mazatapec—it’s not a picky strain. Several brands of grow kits are available, or growers can start with spores, their own substrate mixes. and growing chambers like SGFCPF Tek or Monotub Tek. Although flushes are typically large, many growers find that Mazatapec is slow. Colonization time may be long, up to several weeks. However, excessively slow colonization is not normal and could indicate a problem with the grow—contamination, the wrong temperature, too wet, or some other thing.

Dosage Mazatapec magic mushrooms.

Rough estimates for dosage for P. cubensis are available, based on what kind of experience the user wants, whether the mushrooms are fresh or dried, what strain is involved, and so forth. However, even mushrooms of the same strain can have slightly different potency, and some people are more sensitive to psilocybin than others. It’s not possible to calculate doses exactly, and for this reason it’s best to be cautious and err on the side of too much rather than too little. A too-high dose is likely to cause unpleasant effects. I personally suggest everyone starts a new strain by microdosing and then working their way up to find their desired dose.

With that being said, if you want to try and find a dose that works for you, check out our general magic mushroom dosage guide. You can also try out our magic mushroom dosage calculator where you can choose between six dosage levels, including microdose and heroic dose.

Popular methods of consumption for Mazatapec Mushrooms include Lemon Tek and Shroom Tea.


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